The eagles' nest was washed away by the floods ... :(
A few days before the floods, we gathered with our parents under the ski jumps and carefully prepared them for the new season. The children were already looking forward to being able to fly again after the holidays. It was really nice.
Everything was impeccably mowed, the surroundings were clean (we picked up a lot of the trash that young people leave behind in the evenings). We were proud of the beauty of our facilities.
Then came what we didn't expect. The floods. It destroyed practically everything. The jumping equipment we had carefully saved money for and bought when we could, the container in which our young eagles did their fitness training, the tools, the lawnmowers and finally the jumps.
We are starting again. But we believe we will succeed.
We are humble and believe that this story will strengthen us even more.
The story of the Mengeš Ski Jumping Club will only be a success story.
Help people who have lost their property.
If you feel you can help us, the bank account number is NLB DD SI56 0230 1001 4055 072 where you can donate a few euros.
It's your decision.
Thank you.
Your Mengeš Ski Jumping Club. The club of two World Champions!